About the Business

Beautiful Smiles is a dentist in Leicester that treat and care for the discerning patients with the utmost attention to detail, using some of the most sophisticated facilities currently available. They are dedicated to continually improving their equipment, expertise, education, and training in order to provide you with the highest quality dental and facial aesthetic treatments without any compromises on quality.

Treatments at Beautiful Smiles includes teeth whitening, composite bonding, dental implants, Damon braces, Botox, body sculpting, lip fillers, HIFU, hydrafacial, zo skin treatments, and Invisalign.

Business Services

Lip fillers

Lip fillers

Lip fillers replace the building blocks that create a youthful-looking facial aesthetic.



Even the most outward signs of ageing can be addressed with botox treatment, an extremely popular alternative to surgery.


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Location & Hours

201a Victoria Park Road

Leicester, LE2 1XD
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